Does Hopper flight Search predict cheapest day to buy ticket?

Looking for way to get Cheap flights ? Enter Hopper Flights, what better than an app that can predict when the flights will be cheapest and send you an alert too!!
To find cheap flights on Hopper, you can look for Hopper's recommendation and freeze the flight ticket or set an alert to get notified once airfare drops!
Easier said than done? Not really, keep on reading to get the details...

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What is Hopper Flights?

Hopper Flights is one of the option available in Hopper Mobile App. The App is known to predict the  days when flights will be the cheapest!

Hopper, like Kayak, is an Online travel booking agent that allows you not only to search the flights, hotels but also has the facility of booking it from the App.

How does Hopper Flight Search works?

Hopper analyze the historical data, various factors affecting the flight rates and predicts dates that will be the cheapest.

Infact, Hopper claims of 95% accuracy!!

Flights with Hopper

Hopper app not only help you search the cheapest flights, it also predicts the days when the flights will be the cheapest and provide option to freeze price!

Though Hopper also provides option of Hotel and car rental booking, Hopper for flights is more popular as the price prediction and price freeze option is not available for Hotels and car rentals.

Once you have downloaded Hopper app, open the app and click on Flights. After entering To and From airports, you will get a colorful calendar.

Green dates are the cheapest, Yellow being average and Red on the higher side.

Select the dates that look good to you and Hopper will suggest if you got the cheapest flight or you should wait for the price to drop.

Here you can also set a price alert so as to get a push notification once prices change. 

Hopper Flights Booking

Once you find dates best suitable for you, click on “View Flights” to book the flight. You can apply various filters to sort by fastest, best, cheapest, refundable etc.

Do remember that Hopper will try to upsell by offering Trip protection, free cancelation, flexibility with dates but all these come with a price.

If you opt of any of these, it will bump up your ticket fare.

Note:  Check carefully few of the options that are checked on by default, you can always go ahead and uncheck it if you are not Ok with it.

Hopper Flights Price Freeze

Happy to see the price displayed by Hopper, but not ready to book yet, just freeze the price!

Hopper Flights Price Freeze sound like an amazing feature but beware, it comes with some strings attached!!

Freezing price means:

  • 1. You have to pay a deposit per traveler depending on the fare
  • 2. Booking needs to be done within 3 to 7 days, depending on the fare
  • 3. If the price increase, you still have to pay the price you freeze
  • 4. If the price decrease, you pay the lower price
  • 5. In case you don’t want to book that flight, you can book other flight, using the deposit as credit. Catch is you will have to book within the freeze period.
  • 6. In case you don’t book within freeze period, you loose the deposit.
  • 7. Price freeze is valid only on specific airlines.
  • 8. In the event of a drop in price from other airlines, you will not be able to switch.
  • 9. Change in itinerary is not allowed.
  • 10. If the flight you selected is sold out or cancelled, deposit will be refunded.
  • 11. Price increase up to certain cap will be absorbed by Hopper, after that you will have to pay the increased price.

Hopper Flights Review

Hopper flights is a good way to get the lowest priced date for flight. In case you don’t freeze the flight, the complexity is saved else you will have to understand the nitty gritty of the freeze fare rule.

Hopper website

Hopper website is available but its only for hotels and is not as powerful/ feature rich as the app.

Hopper Flights Customer Service

Hopper flights customer service is headquartered in Montreal, Canada

You can raise a ticket in the app, it is the best way. Other wise you can also try calling on 1-514-276-0760

Hopper Flights Deals

Hopper Flights Deals keep on popping on its website or booking app. You just create your account, set an alert and you will be notified as and when any deal is available!

Hopper Flights alternatives:

You can also research Google FlightsSkyscanner flights for cheap flights.

Do remember, both Google flights and Skyscanner are flight search engines. It will re-direct you to the actual service provider/ airlines where ticket booking will be done.

Hopper Vs Google Flights Vs Skyscanner

HopperGoogle FlightsSkyscanner
Online Travel AgentOnline Search EngineOnline Search Engine
Mobile App Is MainDoes not have Mobile AppHave Mobile App
Flight, Hotel and Car RentalFlight, Hotel onlyFlight, Hotel and Car Rental

How does Hopper work for Hotels?

Hotel stay can be done on Hopper website as well but you will not get the freeze price option there.

To get all the attractive features of Hopper, better switch to the App.

Just enter your location, dates and Hopper will recommend you the cheap hotels along with its prediction of price change in near future.

You can use the carrot points as well in your bookings!

Watch this video from Hopper to see in detail how Hopper works for hotel bookings.


How does Hopper predicts cheap flight tickets?

Hopper crunches huge amount of data, checks various trends and predicts cheap flight days.


Hopper flights is a good tool to find cheap flights, do remember to use it along other tools like Google Flights, Skyscanner flights.

Way to find Cheap Flights