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How to use Priceline Express to get best deals?

Priceline Express Deals Flights- Does it actually save money? Can I find the exact flight before making the payment?

Yes, Priceline Express Deals Flights does save money!! And Yes, you can reveal the flight before making the payment!

Keep on reading to find how to get Express deals every time. I have also shared hacks to get more discounts on top of the Express deal savings!!  

If you believe that Its always good to know what competitors are offering, Google Flights Hacks for Cheap flight tickets will definitely interest you. 

Table of Contents

What is Priceline express deals flights?

Priceline Express Deals is a tool from online booking company Priceline where you can get the best price on flights if you are booking pretty late i.e just one week before your travel date.

Priceline Express Deals Flights

How does Priceline Express deals flight work?

The business model of an aggregator is what Priceline Express Deals Flights works on. 

Priceline has a contract with almost all the Flight Operators wherein it gets discounted rates on the flight. Priceline in turn passes on some discounts to its customers while keeping its share of profit.

Priceline flight search: Step by step process to get Express Deals Flights

Express deals are available only if your travel date is within 15 days. Follow these simple steps to search flight on Priceline:

  • 1. Browse to and Click on flights option. Just below the find flight button, you will see “Save upto 50% by searching Express Deals”. Click on it.
  • 2. Select Origin and Destination.
  • 3. Select dates (starting date should be within 15 days from the day of booking.

How to find out Priceline express deals flight?

  • 4. Click on the Find Your Flight button.
  • 5. Look for the “Express Deal” written on the displayed flight options.


  • 6. You can see the price difference on the screen above. 
  • Note: Did you observe Express deal option have multiple airlines mentioned and instead of exact takeoff time, it says “Morning Takeoff”. I will explain this later.
  • 7. Click on the Express Deal option.
  • 8. It may display more Express Deal option

  • 9. If you like any of the new options, select it else click on Continue to Checkout.
  • 10. It will display your trip summary


  • 11. After verifying your summary, click on Continue Checkout.
  • 12. Enter Passenger details


  • 13. Select Payment method and Billing details




  • 15. Click on Continue and once payment is done, you will receive a confirmation popup as well as an email.

This is when you will come to know you got which flight and what time your flight starts!! Enjoy your discounted flight!!

Click to get additional discounts on Express Deals!

Priceline Express Deals flights Revealed

Now to solve the mystery of multiple air carriers and no exact flight time we saw at the time of booking.

This is a unique feature of Priceline Express Deals, you will come to know the exact flight and time only after you have done the payment!!

You can try guessing which flight you may get if you are really particular about traveling only specific flights or want to avoid a particular time.

Steps to uncover Express Deal flight

  • 1. Note which flight options are available in your Express deal.
  • 2. Open Priceline on a different browser or incognito mode and filter on these flights.
  • 3. Check the facilities mentioned in your Express deal and filter these out in your incognito Priceline screen.
  • 4. Check for more details and try to guess!!

Still not able to guess? Change your thinking hat or why bother? Just enjoy the discounts!!

How much does Priceline Express Deal On Flights save?

The savings could be up to 50% but it’s very rare to get. Definitely, you will end up saving anywhere between 10-20%.

Coupons for Priceline express flight

You get coupons on Email, register in Priceline and they will mail you coupons that can be used at the time of making payments.


You can get the discounts added by default if you enroll for Priceline VIP membership. It’s completely free.

Click to get additional discounts on Express Deals!

Priceline express deals flights cancellation policy

Priceline does not have its own aircraft, it’s just an aggregator that is acting as a mediator between the actual service providers and the consumers of those services.

While booking flights, if you select the option of cancellation, you will be able to get a refund but this option is not available for Express deals.

In short, there is no way to cancel Priceline Express deal flight!!

For details, read: Priceline Cancellation Policy


Can you cancel Priceline Express Deals Flights?

Priceline cancel

No, You cannot cancel Priceline Express Deals Flights. The simple reason being these are last-minute deals and you are getting the rate that does not include cover for cancellation.

Are Priceline Express flight Deals worth it?

Yes, it is worth it if you do not mind the time of the flight and the carrier. You will get pretty odd time and any carrier (out of the three displayed at the time of booking)

How to find out Priceline Express Deals Flight?

Priceline Flights

Priceline Express Deals Flight is available only if you are booking for dates within the next 15-17 days. These are “last moment deals” and will not be available if you are looking for them one month in advance.

Watch this video for Priceline Express Flights review

Click to get additional discounts on Express Deals!

Way to find Cheap Flights in 2024